Let's get you back to being "you"... or better.

It is possible to change your brain and your life in as little as 5 days!! Your brain controls your body, your mind, and your entire experience of the world. A concussion or other neurological challenge can make you act, move, and feel in ways that are completely uncharacteristic of you. You may feel like "the old you" is gone and have lost hope in that person ever coming back.  I want you to know that you are still in there. And I will leave no stone unturned until we get "you" back.


In order to create YOUR unique treatment plan, we collect data on how well your brain is working.  We assess cognitive function, emotional status, balance, gait (walking), motor coordination, timing, awareness of your body and space, vision, eye movements … even organ function. When a good doctor realizes that when they're working with the brain, everything matters.


The brain is like a computer. It collects information from the world, combines it, and responds. Nothing is ever processed in isolation, so a neurologist should never look at findings in isolation. Once we have performed an assessment, we scrutinize the findings to create an individualized, unique, treatment plan to create or restore your brain's integrity.


Experts in brain rehabilitation know how the brain remodels through 10 principles of plasticity. We also know that every person and every brain condition is unique, so there is no protocol. However, like a recipe, each rehab program must include specific ingredients (therapies),  proportions (intensity), and directions (sequencing). That's what we have mastered.  

Functional Neurology Treatment Modalities

Vision and Orthoptic Therapy

Vision is your most dominant and conscious sense. That allows us to use visual stimuli (light, patterns, objects), and eye movements, to alter how your brain processes the visual world.

Vestibular Rehab

Usually only associated with dizziness, vestibular system is the first sense to form, so all other senses are thought to be built on top of it. Correcting or improving vestibular function can affect nearly every other brain function... even emotions.

Off-Axis Rotation

This form of sensory-motor integration therapy, performed in the FDA-Approved GyroStim®, synchronizes your vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive systems create better spatial, cognitive, and autonomic processing. 
physical therapy

Rehabilitative Therapy

Sensation and movement have a two-way relationship. We often call this integration "coordination". Dr. Antonucci is certified in Physiotherapy by the NBCE and implements these modalities with his patients.

Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation

The Vagus nerve is a two-directional nerve that innervates most of your vital organs and also provides healing stimulation to many neural networks in the brainstem and forebrain.

Cognitive Therapy and Virtual Reality

Therapies that you can sense (see, feel, etc) are called ReceptorBased therapies. We also perform Cognitive Based therapies that help with awareness, attention, thinking, emotional control, and more.

Transcranial Photobiomodulation

Infrared light has the ability to painlessly penetrate deep into your brain. This wavelength of light activates the power-plant of your cell to provide energy, blood flow, oxygenation, and stimulate stem cells. 


The chiropractic manipulation is a safe, effective and powerful tool to decrease pain (neck, back, and body pain, as well as headaches), and restore joint motion and body awareness.

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy

Molecular Hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, provider of cellular energy and healing, that can benefit nearly every neurological and non-neurological condition.

Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT)

Every cell, especially those in your brain, need oxygen. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy increases the amount of oxygen to your tissue, reduces inflammation, increases stem cell production, and healing.

qEEG-Guided Neurofeedback

By measuring the electricity that your brain cells produce, we can create an activity map of your brain. We then use a computer and a sensory stimulus to coach your brain back to normal function.

Functional Medicine

Blood, saliva and other bodily fluids allow us to measure how well your brain is controlling your organs and vice versa. Based on that data we can prescribe diets and supplements to safely restore function.

We create brain solutions
that transform lives.

As of April 2022...
Years of Experience
Case Success Rate
5-Day Symptom Reduction

Our Patients Have...

Neurodevelopmental Challenges

  • AD/HD
  • Mild Autism
  • Asperger's
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Sensory Processing Disorder


  • Concussion
  • TBI
  • Hypoxia
  • Non-Fatal Drowning Injuries
  • Birthing Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Injuries
  • Stroke Injuries


  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Essential Tremors
  • Multpile Sclerosis
  • Primary Headaches/Migraines
  • Vestibular Disorders
  • Early Dementias and Alzheimer's
  • Dysexecutive Syndrome
  • Cognitive Impariment
  • Ataxia


  • Sports Vision Training
  • Performance Optimization
  • Agility Training
  • Cognitive Ehancement
  • Graceful Aging
  • Executive Performance
  • Better Sleep
  • Stress Managemnt
  • Improved Energy

In just the past 6 years,

Our Patients Have Come From...

Map of Dr. Antonucci's Patietns

What is our Immersive Program?

im·​mer·​sive (i-ˈmər-siv -ziv):
(adj.) the characteristic of completely and actively engaging one's attention, time, energy, or senses to create an altered neurological state.
Dr. Antonucci has created his immersive program based on over a decade and thousands of patients of experiences, combined with volumes of research detailing the principles critical to changing brain function.

Data Collection

From the moment you arrived on our website, the data collection process started - both on your side and ours. In this part of the program we collect and provide as much information as possible to ensure that we are a good fit for each other. This requires us to discuss your goals, collect information about your challenges, educate you on our approach, and make sure you have all of your questions answered.


Once you have decided that we're the right team for you, it's time to begin the enrollment process.  You will be required to place a deposit on your appointment time and agree to our practice terms and policies. Our enrollment process involves a fair amount of paperwork that is completed online. Being comprehensive ahead of your arrival allows Dr. Antonucci to determine if any additional tests need to be ordered. It also maximizes your time when you are at the clinic. 


We know that traveling with neurological challenges can be difficult. We try to make it as easy as possible. Upon request we can provide you access to a complimentary travel agent to book your travel, transportation, and accommodations.  We have also assembled a Welcome Center that has information about the area, how to dress, and what to do in your free time. Of course, we are always available to chat and provide you with any other information possible.

Day 1

Your first day at the clinic will be a busy one. When you arrive you'll receive a tour and orientation to the facility. We'll introduce you to the team, explain some of the equipment that you might be using, and then get to work.
You can expect:
Diagnostic Testing: 
± 2 hours
± 45 minutes
±15 minutes 

Day 2

This is the first day that you'll receive treatment. After collecting all of the information from both the enrollment process, the diagnostic testing, and your examination, Dr. Antonucci crafts a plan unique to your situation and goals. 
For treatment, you can expect:
± 75 minutes
Break for ± 1.5-3 hours
 (Eat and Rest)
± 75 minutes 

Day 3

Everyone thinks that the first and last days of our program are most important. We understand why someone might think that, but Day 3 is actually the most important. This is the day that we determine if our plan is working. Nearly 100% of patients that see changes on Day 3 have a great outcome.
You can expect:
±75 minutes
Break for ± 1.5-3 hours 
(Eat and Rest)
± 45 minutes
Exam and Planning: 
± 45 minutes

Day 4

This day is almost identical to Day 2, only by this point you'll most likely be getting tired and experiencing some "neural fatigue". We usually go a little easier today, adjusting exercises to accommodate your energy levels. Your symptoms might flare a little bit. You might feel tired. It's ok. It's all normal.
For treatment, you can expect:
± 75 minutes
Break for ± 1.5-3 hour 
(Eat and Rest)
± 75 minutes 

Day 5

If you made it to Day 5, the odds are in your favor of noticing transformative changes. Today is all about planning for your at-home program. We need to evaluate your function to make any necessary modifications to your at-home plan. Also, the diagnostics from today establish your new baseline brain function for the record.
You can expect:
Diagnostic Testing: 
± 2 hours
Examination and Planning: 
± 30 minutes
At-Home Coaching: 
±30 minutes 

**We strongly recommend booking your return travel on "Day 6" or later**

Follow-Up Care

Very often, Dr. Antonucci will find a doctor in your area, that he trained at the Carrick Institute, to assist us with local support. We'll try to get you scheduled with them ASAP incase you need help that we cannot provide virtually.
You can expect:
Check-In 1: 
Email @ Week 1
Check-In 2: 
Phone Call w/ Dr. A 
@ Week 2
Check-In 3:
Email @ Week 3
Check-In 4: 
Phone Call w/ Dr. A 
@ Week 4

We will also ask you to complete questionnaires at Week 4, Months 3 and 6 to ensure that you have reached your goals
We Love to Chat!
Are you interested in exploring what your life might be like with a healthier, higher-performing brain and body? We are! 

Click below to schedule a free consultation!!
Free Patient Consultation
Copyright © 2025 NeuroSynergy Associates, PA
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