FN Management of Concussion- Level 1 NeuroSkills Lab
September 13, 2024 @ 9:00 am - September 15, 2024 @ 3:00 pm EDT
This Functional Neurology Management of Concussion (FN-MOC) NeuroSkills Lab is the fourth chapter of FNMOC Level 1, focused on Creating and Performing an Evidence-Based Baseline/Concussion Examination (On-site Training – 3 days)
This is a 3-day, hands-on, skill-development course. You will be the doctor and the patient. You will leave with certifiable proficiency in performing the examination procedures detailed in Chapter 3 of Carrick Institute's FN-MOC Level 1, and the results of your brain health baseline assessment. Please wear loose-fitting clothing and bring the tools introduced in Chapter 3
This course consists of over 50 EPAs or Entrustable Professional Activities that will be taught and perfected throughout the weekend. Scholars must attend, be assessed for proficiency, and pass to achieve FN-MOC certification status.